I'm sorry, but sometimes teaching is not all butterflies and rainbows. Today happened to be one of those days. Two kids sent out, one suspended, and unsupportive administration. Non-stop talking, off task, and little to no focus. UGH. Literally SO happy it is Friday. I don't know about the rest of you teachers but we are already experiencing the
can't sit still or follow directions summer jitters.
Eeeeks!!! We still have a month and a half to go!
Anyway, this week we completed two different and fun projects. The first one was a math project- area robots! I got this awesome idea off of pinterest. (Of course) My students love anything arts & crafts based, so this was a big hit while incorporating math...
Didn't they turn out adorable?! :) I love them!
Our next project I found from this great blog,
teachinginroom6 and it incorporates Math and Social Studies! Again, my kids loved it! It took them three math & social studies blocks to complete, but the end results were well worth it. We first studied 13 colony quilts and talked about what all of them had in common. We decided things like they were colorful, symmetrical, and used lots of shapes. Then we started to incorporate math, we talked about how on our own quilt (a piece of graph paper with cm sized squares) we would have to count, divide, add, and subtract to get our designs to be symmetrical, it was challenging and FUN! They turned out great! :)
I hope all of you have a wonderful weekend and can get some rest to be nice and refreshed for Monday! :)
Oh, and one last thing Teachers Pay Teachers is having a great sale for May 5 and 6 and my WHOLE store is 20% off. Go grab some great deals! :)